

- End of the UEFA Match Agent license

Following the decision by UEFA to cancel the match agent license from January the 1st 2014, AULMA President Mr Sidi Airouss met with UEFA President Michel Platini on Friday 20 December in Morocco. They discussed the decision of UEFA to remove the UEFA match agent license on 1 January 2014. Mr Platini admitted that this was a real problem for agents who did not have the FIFA license and he gave his agreement in principle to suspend the decision in order to give more time to the agents to obtain the FIFA License.


The first association of match agents was called AULMA. It regrouped UEFA licensed match agents, was founded on 14 April 2010 in Geneva, Switzerland. The idea of founding an association was initiated at the meeting of the UEFA licensed match agents in 2008 and was further reviewed by a smaller committee of match agents in early 2010.

- Creation of FIFMA
the AULMA Executive Committee convened a general assembly held in Nice on 22 February 2014 and decided to Mandate the Executive Committee to hold a meeting on 13 December 2014 in Geneva (Switzerland) to dissolve AULMA and create FIFMA in order to legally permit the transfer of the association's headquarters to France: FIFMA was officially registered in France on 13 March 2015 Under the following RNA registration number: W751228568 The association is domiciled at the following address: Nr 38 rue Dunois 75 013 Paris-France. 

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