


Article 32 – Standing committees

Upon the President's proposal, the Executive Committee appoints members of the standing committees for a 4-year term, which spans the period between the two elective meetings of the Executive Committee. Each committee is represented and chaired by its respective President. The President of each committee collaborates with the General Secretary to set meeting dates, ensures that the designated tasks are carried out, and presents a progress report during the Executive Committee meetings.

1) Audit Committee;

2) Events Committee.

Article 33 – Audit Committee

The Audit Committee consists of its Chairman, a deputy chairman and one member of the Executive Committee, all of whom have experience in financial matters.

Its role is to check the accounts according to the recognized accounting principles and to prepare the financial statement for the General Assembly. The Executive Committee may define further tasks to the Audit Committee with regard to the financial matters of FIFMA.

Article 34 – Events Committee

The Events Committee consists of its Chairman, a deputy chairman and one member of the Executive Committee. The Events Committee prepares and organize events for the members of FIFMA, in order to improve the quality of its members.

Article 35 – ad hoc Committee

The Executive Committee may, if necessary, create ad hoc committees for special duties and/or a limited period of time. The Executive Committee appoints the chairman, deputy chairman and ordinary members who will be part of these ad hoc committees. The duties and function of any such ad hoc committees are defined in writing by the Executive Committee, to whom the ad hoc committee reports directly.

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